Social Media and the Future

Social Media has been growing at a phenomenal rate over the past several years, growing into perhaps the most commonly used platform for sharing ideas, opinions, and daily news, though the legitimacy of said news shared on Social Media can be greatly argued. It has always been hard to tell what the future will bring, now more than ever, but one thing is for sure. Social Media will play a huge role in the future of the internet. More and more basic programs and apps have a social media element included, or at least a link to other popular social medias. Perhaps the day will soon come that every app, program, or device will have social media included in the deal.

As for what I could recommend to a customer or client, it would off course depend on what services I were attempting to provide. But for the sake of discussion, let’s say I would be recommending what social media for them to use for business purposes. I would say Facebook is a must, being one of the cornerstones of the advertisement industry. I would also recommend LinkedIn, of course Twitter, and perhaps at least a small presence in Youtube.

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