Module 9 Assignments

My Videos: North, South, East, West


200-Word Scrum Essay:

In this class, I have presented my project as a whole twice. Once with the Pre-Viz, then again with the Mid-Term. Overall, I found the experience easy, more or less. I am quite used to presenting my ideas in written format, as I am a bit of a writer in my spare time. I have also taken classes in public speaking, so standing in front of class wasn’t hard either. As I was writing my Pre-Viz, my main concern was not writing enough, but I actually ended up writing too much if anything. I did my best to start with a strong introduction. In my experience, if the introduction is weak or faulty, you quickly lose your audience, no matter how good the main content is. I also tried to keep my content easy and fluid, so that it does not stress the reader’s mind. Confusing and disjointed content is another way to lose readers. Looking back, my problem was not my writing skills, but that I failed to understand that I was also expected to write about other’s projects as well. If I had known and understood the details of my classmate’s projects, I believe I could have presented a considerably better Mid-Term.


Storyscaping- Side Quest

Ever since I was young, I have created worlds in my mind without cease. As I grew, this shifted toward the virtual world. As I have stated before, I enjoy working with 3D graphics in the virtual world. But I want to do so much more. Too many people view gaming in a negative light, and they are not entirely wrong. Games are seen as a cheap and addicting escape from reality, but what too few people seem to realize is that they have the potential to be far more than this. Just like any movie or book, games tell their own story, whether they intend to or not. Each game has a message for its players. And regardless of the message, as we participate in the game, we absorb that message, either to ignore it or apply it to our own life. These messages can be conflicting with real life, as too many games these days do, or they can be positive and can actually assist in daily life. This does not mean that the game has to be realistic, far from it. What is important is the message. A bad message heard to many times and taken to heart can result in unrealistic beliefs and acting without a thought to the consequences. On the other hand, a positive message can encourage and empower people in their lives, teaching them important life lessons. This also is not limited to video games, but all forms of entertainment. These are the stories I want to tell.

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