Module 8 Videos, Essay, and Scavenger Hunt

Here are my videos: Floral, Musty, Peppermint, and Putrid

Scrum Check in 200 Word Essay:

How does one present an immersive virtual environment to others? Two of the most common ways are to provide pictures and video recordings of it. But sometimes, these don’t always work, and can even be misleading. Now days, it can be hard to tell if a picture or video has been taken directly from the environment or if it has been pre-arranged and photo shopped to make it look ideal. So what are some better ways?

Perhaps the most straightforward way is to let the audience try it for themselves. This is often seen through demos. The creator will let the audience interacted and travel within the environment. But this is not always so easily done, and usually only a few people have the opportunity to use the demo.

Another way is to do a live presentation. This is often done by having the speaker or another person present directly controlling or participating in the environment. By showing to the audience that the environment is operating in real time and has not been photo shopped, it becomes easier to explain the environment and show how immersive it is. These are just a few ways to display an immersive environment.



Scavenger Hunt Project:

In the Hero’s Journey, I have been working on the first step: Ordinary Life. The locations for my part of the Scavenger Hunt are strongly related to this. The keys I have chosen, Curiosity and Courage, can be found near the front entrance to the campus grounds. I have chosen this location because it marks the beginning of the journey into college. Here, just like in my step of ordinary life, you must chose to continue on, or turn back and remain in the mundane.

The first key, Curiosity, will be located behind the map post on the lower pathway. Only one who is curious and willing to learn will find this key.

The second key, Courage, will be found under the arched bridge, similar to the archway between step 1 and step 2 in the Hero’s Journey. The only way to reach this key is to have the courage to continue on into the adventure of college.

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